Helping Austin Kemp Outthink - Smith

Helping Austin Kemp Outthink

Helping Austin Kemp Outthink

We’ve worked with Austin Kemp solicitors since 2015. Austin Kemp have always said we push them and constantly bring new thinking to their business.

We did exactly this with a brand refresh and website rethink here.

Amandeep, the Managing Director wasn’t directly looking at refreshing the brand or their website, as Austin Kemp was doing well. The website was a high-performance lead-generating website and the brand helped drive consistent conversion rates.

However, we found that competitors had started to copy how Austin Kemp market themselves. We saw an opportunity to rethink the entire AK website and make it more customer-focused.

We’re not going to reveal the secrets here, but working through our tried and tested process Workshop, we unlocked customer insights that have resonated with the Austin Kemp target audience.

These insights have driven 845 more enquiries compared to the same time the year before, and website traffic has increased by a significant 31,885.

Amandeep comments “Smith pushed us to think outside the box. Our previous website had proven highly successful, and many people commented on how good it was, and as a business tool it brought in a lot of business throughout the country. Digital is at the heart of our customer acquisition strategy, so we’ve always been on the ball with website management and understanding the importance of it. What we didn’t see though was how undifferentiated our digital presence had become over the years. Initially, we had a presence that was completely stand-out, but over time our competitors had caught up and very much copied us.

Smith pushed us to take a bold leap into the unknown. They brought us out of the business and helped us see our website from the customer’s point of view. The insights the team learnt from their research and then how they applied them has created serious impact. The numbers speak for themselves, and I’m thankful for the team for pushing us, when we didn’t think we needed pushing”

Sometimes it takes an outsider to reveal the obvious. If you want a fresh pair of eyes on your challenge – let us know.

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Born to be effective, not decorative, we’re here to drive growth for our clients. With a mixture of capabilities, we partner with clients who place brand at the centre of their business.

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